SITRANS Probe LU ultrasonic level

Tiếp tục xem sản phẩm “Xi Lanh DSNU Festo thân tròn” đã được thêm vào giỏ hàng. Giá thị trường: Liên hệ Thông tin sản phẩm Product Description SITRANS Probe LU is a 2-wire loop-powered ultrasonic level measurement transmitter for measuring storage vessels, filter beds, and open channel flow in the water and wastewater, food, […]

SITRANS Probe LU is a 2-wire loop-powered ultrasonic level measurement transmitter for measuring storage vessels, filter beds, and open channel flow in the water and wastewater, food, and chemical industries.

PROFIBUS PA communications
Programming via PC software or infrared handheld programmer
IP68 rated
Level, volume, and flow measurement
PVDF or ETFE transducer for chemical compatibility
Supplementary Components are designed to work with most types of instrumentation to provide enhanced functionality such as remote displays and remote monitoring solutions. Please find more information here.